About Us

Kevin Brown

Kevin is passionate about both sea kayaking and the natural world. With a Ph.D. in ecology he likes to observe and understand wildlife, from beetles and flowers to the birds and dolphins. Kevin loves the simplicity of living out of his kayak for an extended journey, moving silently and efficiently through quiet and empty spaces.

Kevin has been paddling for over 35 years and guiding small bespoke journeys on skis and on the water for the past 20 years. Kevin has paddled extensively throughout Scandinavia as well as in the UK, Canada, Mexico and France. Originally from Devon in South West England but now living permanently in Sweden, Kevin is qualified as a British Canoeing Advanced Sea Kayak Leader (old 5-star sea kayak leader award), British Canoeing level 3 Sea Kayak Coach and is an examiner for the EPP blue paddle pass. 

Therese Lundqvist-Jones

Therese lives and loves the outdoor life, or as the Swedes say “friluftsliv”. Having grown up in   northern Sweden, she enjoys the vast spaces, natural beauty and distant horizons of the mountains and the sea.

With BSc in Physical Education and many years of teaching experience, Therese enjoys sharing her passion of the outdoors with children and adults of all ages. Therese has been kayaking for 30 years and holds a British Canoeing 3 star award and is a BC level 2 coach. She is a qualified sea kayak leader for Friluftsfrämjandet in Sweden, as well as being a qualified Mountain leader. She has led numerous kayak and mountaineering trips, both in Scandinavia as well as further afield, for example the UK, Canada, Ecuador and Malawi. Half way through a long tour she’s very likely to pull out her ukulele and play a few tunes.

Julie Perren

 Julie discovered sea kayaking after moving to Devon 15 years ago. She enjoys the freedom to explore the diverse coastlines that the UK has to offer. Further afield she has enjoyed exploring Jersey, France, Norway and Western Greenland, always with a sketchbook to hand to record the journey.

Back at home near Falmouth she can often be found leading groups and coaching at sea kayak events but also enjoys white water kayaking, canoeing and has recently discovered surf skiing. Julie is a British Canoeing Advanced Sea Kayak Leader, performance (Level 4) coach and a sea kayak award provider. Julie co-organises the largest European Women’s Sea Kayak Festival, held in Devon in 2015, 17,19, 21, 23 and was a British Canoeing “She Paddles” Ambassador, encouraging women paddlers onto the water.


In recent years we’ve thought really hard about the environmental impact both of our personal paddling and our business. We strive to find the balance between local paddling in St Anna and those amazing memories from Northern Norway. We continue to focus on our own backyard and in 2024 we plan to run most of our courses in the St Anna archipelago, and use the beautiful island location of Harstena as much as possible for it’s pure natural beauty and for the more dynamic waters we find there. 

In 2021 we translated a book from Swedish into English, “Friluftslivets Pedagogik” or now  “Friluftsliv explored”. In doing so we re-strengthened our awareness of the health benefits of being outdoors. With the wonderful Swedish right of public access (Allemansrätten) comes an equal measure of responsibility, to the landowners, to the nature and to future generations.