Blue Paddle Pass Assessment, Ekön

We will conduct a one-day EPP blue paddle pass assessment starting at 09.30 at Ekön campsite, near Gryt, and ending at about 16.00 on 18 August.
The assessment will take the form of a day long journey and candidates will be required to demonstrate the full range of skills described in the Svenska Kanot Förbundet/EPP blue paddle pass syllabus. (
Candidates are expected to have their own paddling and safety equipment (including helmets) and will be asked to use it in a range of relevant and realistic scenarios.
Ekön is ideal for finding varied conditions, with interesting waves, rocks and lighthouses.
At the end of the assessment there will be a one to one de-brief with each paddler and as well as a simple pass/fail outcome we will discuss your strengths and recommend areas for you to work on further.
The course fee doesn’t include accommodation but you could camp at Ekön or rent a stuga there.